Instead of beginning a sentence with a noun or a pronoun as subject, one may well start out with an adverb or an adverb clause. 一个句子可以一个副词或副词性从句开头,而不是以一个名词或代词作主语。 3. An adverbial is often one word, an adverb. 状语经常只是一个副词。
Ronnir you re superb teacher..Thank you lakmini thank you very much for , i’m so lucky to found this website, i can learn english by online, i loved all teachers at, especially ronnie. :d they teach with the easy way, to understanding dery I subscribe to...
4 a : in rotation or succession <another winter comes around> b : from beginning to end : THROUGH <mild the year around> c : in order <the other way around> 5 : in or to an opposite direction or position <turn around> 6 : with some approach to exactness : APPROXIMATELY...
Yur iGagari nbecam eth efirs tma nt ogo into oute rspac ewhen h ewa s27。 People migh tmov eto anothe rplane tin the futur ebecause o fthe rapid increase in the populatio no nth eEarth. Withou tfresh food, meals wil lnot be as tast ya sthe yar etoday. I twoul dbe fun...
The sign '=' marks partial overlapping between the end of a turn and the beginning of another. Utterances appear between parentheses when I am not sure of the accuracy of the transcription. Three periods between parentheses '(…)' mean that it was impossible to ascertain what the speaker ...