Adventure Time, Foster's, Regular Show, Scooby-Doo: Spin-Offs of Popular Animated Series Underway Warner Bros. Animation wants to expand its programming by creating new spin-offs of popular existing properties like Adventure Time, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, and Scooby-Doo. While most ...
The Snail is a mysterious Mollusk Person who is hidden in every episode of Adventure Time (excluding the pilot, "Food Chain", "The Wand", "Obsidian", and the Frog Seasons shorts.), usually seen waving at the screen. His cameos are a running gag and easte
He was subsequently a playable character in Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don't Know! (2013), Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom (2014), and Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (2018). Jake has also made crossover appearances in other franchises and...
It must have significant creative input from a member of the Adventure Time cast or crew. It must be officially endorsed by Cartoon Network. It must not be a crossover with another piece of media. Non-canon information is hidden by default. If you would like to see non-canon information,...
From rollicking journeys over land to tales of high-stakes survival on the sea, we have 100 of the best adventure books for you in this post.
there are a handful of regular dramas (legal, medical, other), but the remaining entries — several of which I have mentioned in other posts — fit into our normal (sub)genres of sci-fi/fantasy and action/adventure. If I had more time, I might add a little commentary. But, I think...
I haven’t had a clutch issue, leaky screen or coolant leak – yet. The 790R is a blast on & off road and I choose to daily ride it over my other bikes. I do have the quick shifter which I use all the time (I’m not sure what improvements they could have made to it on the...
This creates a jump hem so the underlining will not pull against the garment fabric over time. The fold was added before the final tacking of the underlining to each lower garment piece and to the sleeves. Tip: Make a diagonal stitch when turning corners. This stitch can be snipped later ...
When Jake made a wish to change the Lich's wish from the extinction of all life to sending him and Finn back home to Ooo, Finn returned to the prime universe with no memory of his time in Farmworld, however, Farmworld Finn was revealed to still exist in the episode "Crossover" due...