Adventure therapy, an experiential intervention that combines outdoor, adventure based activities and group process, is used in direct practice by clinical social workers; however, it is unclear to what extent clinical social workers are actually utilizing these techniques. This research project surveyed...
Learn about adventure therapy programs and the benefits of adventure-based activities for teen girls and LGBTQ+ youths at Chrysalis.
Based in Costa Rica, Pure Life the premiere adventure-based therapeutic wilderness program for young adults who are struggling as they transition to adulthood.
If you love the outdoors and making a difference in the lives of others, working as an Adventure Therapy Field Instructor & Mentor is a job that's hard to beat!
Adventure therapy’s main advantages are that it gives patients a break from the stresses of everyday life. The ability to fully immerse oneself in nature and partake in physical activities allows participants to ground and quiet their minds and bodies. This can assist people in unwinding, loweri...
Gillis, H.L. Jr., & Ringer, M.T. (1999). Adventure as therapy. In J.C. Miles, & S. Priest (Eds.), Adventure programming (pp.29-37). State College, PA: Venture.Gillis, H. L. Jr., & Ringer, T. M. (1999). Adventure as therapy. In J. C. Miles, & S. Priest (Eds....
To discover and promote health and longevity, Chris Hemsworth commits to pushing his limits both mentally and physically. Watch as he takes on various challenges such as cold therapy in the Arctic, facing his fear of heights, and hiking off-grid without the luxury of a map...
Located on the beautiful West Coast of Canada, Best Coast Adventure Therapy aims to provide individualized and adaptive nature-based programs for all abilities.
1.1. Adventure therapy Adventure therapy uses experiential learning activities in outdoor environments for assessment and intervention at an individual and group level, in order to effect psychological and/or behavioural therapeutic change (Gass, Gillis, & Russell, 2012; Norton, Carpenter, & Pryor, 20...
Mind Monsters Games have created an app that is part game and part therapy tool. The gameplay is presented in text only, though there are some fine pieces of minimalist art as backgrounds for the text. You start by finding yourself standing in a blizzard, and you can hear the wind whistle...