For most of these people, it isn’t so much the Roman Catholic aspect of Advent that is truly problematic, but the fact that Advent is not taught in Scripture. You can’t turn to a place in the Bible and find teaching on Advent or a command to set aside four weeks prior to ...
how Classical Latin is what was spoken during the Roman Empire and Ecclesiastical Latin is what developed during the medieval period and what was (is) used by the Catholic Church. Then, we attempt to sing, with a little processional
This entreaty to Mary as Mother of God is for some Protestants a “Catholic accretion” and considered unbiblical and theologically unsound.Some will say that we do not need Mary’s intercession, when we can go directly to God on our own. Such views ignore the power and influence of mothe...
Francesca Pollio Fenton, “Why Sweden Honors St. Lucy, a Beloved Italian Saint,” Catholic News Agency, December 11, 2024, Franciscan Media, “Saint Lucy | Franciscan Media,” Franciscan Media, ...
Because life is short. And what should be done when we find ourselves falling short of the mark? Take the advice of John the Baptist to the people of his day: Confess your sins. If this reflection has done anything, at least you’ll not be able to join the chorus of my friends from...
The story is more than a treat, it is nothing short of a profound blessing, nearly prophetic in its gentle but potent truth-telling. Neuberger tells here a true story of a Catholic priest who is talking with the children of his parish — children of non-European descent. As the...
49. THE TAMER OF THE TSIMSHEANS 218 Ar Short History of the Moravian Church. 50. COUNT ZINZENDORF AND RABBI ABRA- HAM ... 223 FIFTY MISSIONARY STORIES A TALKING CHIP From "Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea Islands," by John Williams. In the erection of a chapel on Raratonga* ...