The story of her martyrdom spread out into the Christian world and by the sixth century was appearing in a procession of virgins in Ravenna. Her fame spread to England and her festival was very popular up until King Henry VIII dissolved the Catholic Church. Her feast day in England was trea...
In many branches of Christianity,Adventbegins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. In 2023,Adventstarts on December 3. In 2024, it starts on December 1. More information and context onAdvent In general, the wordadventmeans “a coming” or “an arrival.” It comes from the Latin wordadvent...
volume 2 Swing Low, volume 1 Why I Am Roman Catholic The 1662 Book of Common Prayer—Service Book The 1662 Book of Common Prayer—Pew Format The Riches of Your Grace Worship in an Age of Anxiety ABOUT Tish Harrison Warren Tish Harrison Warren is a priest in the Anglican Church in North...
The traditional themes of Advent for the four Advent Sundays in the U.K. are the God’s people; The Old Testament prophets; John the Baptist; and Mary the Mother of Jesus. The Advent themes for the Roman Catholic Church are the Second Coming of Christ; John the Baptist; John the Baptis...
January 8, 2023Advent,Apologetics,Christmas,History,ScriptureBirth of Christ,Calendar,Christmas,Epiphany,Three Wise MenRob Agnelli Each Christmas a friend of mine sends me a text wishing me “seasons greetings”. He casts a wide net capturing the “spirit” of the season wishing me a “Merry Ch...
"But if, in any layman who is indeed imbued with literature, ignorance of the Latin language, which we can truly call the 'catholic' language, indicates a certain sluggishness in his love toward the Church, how much more fitting it is that each and every cleric should be adequately practice...
Pope Francis’ ‘Lifewatch’ Encapsulates the Real Work of the Catholic Church...Fr. Raymond de SouzaTwenty years ago, as Pope St. John Paul II entered the last weeks of his life, I wrote that a papal “deathwatch” — as some inelegantly styled it — was really a “lifewatch.” Joh...
Our Lady and your good angel will inspire you with the spirit of hopeful prayer as you take up the prayer of our good Mother, the Catholic Church, in her incomparable and deep awareness of the events of our salvation that are renewed for us each year, beginning with this the first week...
Melchizedek is one of the most mysterious figures in the whole Bible. The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes him as “a figure of Christ,” while the Epistle to the Hebrews speaks of Jesus as being “a high priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.” In the Holy Mass, Melc...
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