could also be described fairly as transformative, at least within the worlds of astronomy and astrophysics. Clearly, though, not all telescopes can be dispatched to space and operated remotely. There are advantages of space telescopes and there are advantages of Earth-based telescopes; which you us...
What are the benefits of the International Space Station? what are the pros and cons of the trigonometric parallax method that is used to measure distance to nearby stars? How does a radio telescope differ from an optical telescope? Why can radio telescopes be used 24 hours a day? What b...
SPACE telescopesCONCEPTUAL designFOCAL planesOPTICAL diffractionBACKGROUND radiationWAVEFRONTS (Optics)MIRRORSThis paper presents the conceptual design of an on-axis 6 metre aperture space telescope designed to cover a field of view of 卤0.2 degrees with an optical quality at the diffractio...
Based on a superficial assessment, the continued popularity ofpvalues over Bayesian methods may be difficult to understand. The concept ofpvalue null hypothesis statistical testing (NHST) has been repeatedly critiqued on a number of important points (e.g., Edwards, Lindman, & Savage,1963; Morriso...
“We had to bring together space+robotics technology, wireless LANs, and even virtual reality and video game interfaces. ... The whole point is to enhance safety by having no humans underground, and to boost productivity by saving the time to travel ...