One of the great advantages of going to college is having the opportunity to discover who you really are. Obviously,you do not have to go to college to find that out.College,however,is a special place that allows you to experience a wonderfully diverse set of classmates,teachers,classes,and...
People study in college or university for many different reasons. I think the most important reason is to gain more knowledge and learn more skills. Of course, there are also many other reasons that people study in college such as to get more friends, and increase one's self-confidence....
Many people are deciding to be entrepreneurs. If you are one of these people, a degree may not be necessary. You may want to invest the money you would have spent on your degree on going into business. Disadvantage: Delaying the Real World If you decide not to attend college, you are ...
If you are one of these people, a degree may not be necessary. You may want to invest the money you would have spent on your degree on going into business.Disadvantage: Delaying the Real WorldIf you decide not to attend college, you are able to get out into the real world to work,...
Free Essay: Disadvantage going to college 1. The thought of graduating with a student debt of £27,000 can discourage many students from pursuing a tertiary...
Advantages of College Education After graduating from high school,most students choose to go to colleges to receive further education , but there are also some students going to schools that just for professional training,or even giving up the study and finding jobs directly.However, as a matter...
One of the advantages of a college education is that students become aware of many subjects and fields that they never would have considered without going to college. Students are required to take a variety of basic education courses such as math, sciences, literature and basic computing. Electiv...
a因为上大学有很多好处:可以让我们的视野更广,可以让我们认越来越多的人,可以让我们更上进 Because goes to college has very many advantage: May let our field of vision be broader, may let us recognize more and more many people, may let us progress[translate]...
举例Pros三点 以及Cons三点 (注意是上大学的优缺点 不是大学扩张之类的作文) 答案 The We had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college.Views vary from person to person.The majority of us consider it very necessary to go to college.They think ...