Risks of GM cropsThe term 'genetically modified organisms (GMO)' is still an under-discussion topic since it was introduced decades ago. Beside public concerns against GM products, some of the scientists claim it is a vital tool to improve plant breeding in the future, while others emphasize ...
There are concerns over the inadvertent effects, such as the creation of food that can cause an allergic reaction, GMO that can cause harmful genetic effects, and genes moving from one species to another that is not genetically engineered. (Ref. 1) It has been shown that GMO crop plants ca...
Another major advantage of such type of foods is thatthey help to control theoccurrenceof certain diseases.There are certain foods that can cause allergy to people after eating or contacting. By modifying the DNA system of these foods, they become non-allergic. GM crops, always disease- and ...
Recent controversies about genetically modified crops in United Kingdom and other European countries indicate the apparent differences in public opinion on this subject across the Atlantic, where people do seem untroubled with GMO as compared to other countries. Among plants after potato, tomato is ...
Anothermajoradvantageofsuchtypeoffoodsisthattheyhelptocontrolthe occurrenceofcertaindiseases.Therearecertainfoodsthatcancauseallergy topeopleaftereatingorcontacting.BymodifyingtheDNAsystemofthesefoods,they becomenon-allergic. GMcrops,alwaysdisease-andinsect-resistantcrops,requirefewerpesticides andinsecticides.Thisreduc...
and public health. Countries in the North American region produce a large quantum of GM crops such as canola, corn, soybean, and beet every year. However, cross-contamination between GMOs and non-GMO crops leading to new proteins could potentially cause allergic reactions in human beings. Theref...
Another major advantage of such type of foods is thatthey help to control theoccurrenceof certain diseases.There are certain foods that can cause allergy to people after eating or contacting. By modifying the DNA system of these foods, they become non-allergic. GM crops, always disease- and ...
Growing GM crops on a large scale may affect the balance of wildlife, ecosystemand the environment. Adverse effects on the immune system.A study in 2008 showed that feeding mice engineered food for 30 days caused an immune reaction and altered the number of cells that regulated the immune func...
Another major advantage of such type of foods is that they help to control the occurrence of certain diseases. There are certain foods that can cause allergy to people after eating or contacting. By modifying the DNA system of these foods, they become non-allergic. GM crops, always disease-...