And last in the list of its advantages is that the transplants of cord blood have a low risk of transmitting viral infections and viruses such as Epstein – Barr or mostly known as EBV and the CMV which stands for cytomegalovirus, to the recipient. You should know that these infections and...
Chiropractic Care for Nonmusculoskeletal Conditions: A Systematic Review with Implications for Whole Systems Research asthma, cervicogenic vertigo, and infantile colic. Evidence was promising for potential benefit of manual procedures for children with otitis media and elderly... C Hawk,R Khorsan,AJ Lis...
So if this success cannot be addressed towards one specific chiropractic form, there has to be a common factor of all this manual therapies regardless the technique: Chiro-therapy or a related form can only be done by someone who engages on a deep level of physical contact with the patient,...