Advantage® II is a monthly topical flea treatment that kills fleas through contact. See why Advantage® II is a leading brand in cat and kitten flea protection.
Take flea prevention to a new level with Advantage® XD for cats, the two-month topical flea treatment that starts working in just 30 minutes.
Convenient, monthly topical application contains imidacloprid and pyriproxyfen GENERIC NOW AVAILABLE SELECT THE GENERIC OPTION TO SAVE $$$ From$19.95 Size of Breedselect Pack Sizeselect Quantityselect Style Number: ADVGE2 Product Detail: Advantage II ...
Remember, your cat needs to be dry at the time Advantage II Kitten is applied and remains dry 24 hours after application. Even indoor cats need protection against fleas because you or other pets in the household may bring fleas into the home. Fleas in your cat’s environment can re-infest...
Advantage® II is a monthly topical application that kills fleas on your cat or dog through contact, so fleas don't have to bite your pet to die. You can help prevent the misery of flea infestations with Advantage® II flea treatment ...
All for a full 30 days after a single application Immediately after... Show more Questions & Answers (3) Question: I know Bayer now has Advantage II - is there a sell by date on your pruduct? (Read dome reviews of Adv II that talks of neurological problems with it. Thanks ...
Advantage II Vet-Recommended Flea Prevention for Large Cats 9 lbs+, 6-Monthly Treatments In 50+ people's carts Add +10 optionsAvailable in additional 10 options $16.98current price $16.98 $11.50/countAdvantage II Vet-Recommended Flea Prevention for Large Cats 9 lbs+, 6-Monthly Treatments ...
Effectively break the flea life cycle, control existing flea and lice infestations, and prevent further infestations with one simple application. Advantage II Extra Large Dog flea and lice protection is effective on both indoor and outdoor dogs. Your dog should be at least 7 weeks old and weigh...
Advantage Multi® is one convenient monthly application. Heartworm prevention that forgives if you forget** Just treat immediately if you’re a few days late. Created for both cats and dogs From puppies and kittens to full-grown four-legged friends, Advantage Multi® protects your pets inside...