The best example is when my mom would give me $20 to spend on cheap Christmas presents from this Santa thing at school. I spent $12 and pocketed the $8 thinking I did a good job buying presents for everyone. Apparently I was supposed to spend it all! lol. 0 Reply It's OK To ...
A) serious B) nervous C) worried D) surprised 第 10 讲 40 华询教育 考纲单词 chair chance change changeable channel character charge charity chat cheap check cheer cheese chemical chemistry chess chicken chief child(复 children) childhood china chocolate choice choose(chose,chosen) Christmas church...
___, I think it is rather cheap. may as well; get onto; come up with; out of concern for; take one’s word for it (that...); as a matter of fact; rummage... for; ... 查看完整题目与答案 图板的工作边要求: 查看完整题目与答案 以海运为例,海运货物根据国际上统一的...
They also have to be able to work at both tire exclusively expensive and the cheap end of the market and the challenge to produce good design inexpensively may well be demanding. To be successful as a fashion designer you must ___. A.have excellent academic qualifications able to han...