【The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Taking a Part-Time Job】Taking part-time jobs has become the phenomenon among university students,and some students in Soochow University follow this trend as well.Indeed,there are some advantages; however,there are also some disadvantages.One of the advantages...
Moreover,another disadvantage is that you might be deceived by the advertisement of part-time jobs.It’s the dangerous part when finding or working part-time jobs.To sum up,as I mentioned above,there are some pros and cons when working part-time jobs.Consequently,all of us should think ...
advantage:you can earn more money and you may have more work experience to enrich yourself.disadvantage:every day you are busy,and you will feel very tired.sometimes you do not have enough time do deal with your personal affairs or enjoy any entertainment. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查...
Part Time Job as a Student High SchoolStudentshaving aparttimejobManystudentshaveparttimejobswhile currently attending high school. This could be a benefit to thosestudentswho seek responsibilty and respect from parents that the child of theirs have matured and willing to take more work in life...
The Advantage and Disadvantage of Doing Part Time Job After entering university, we have more free time. And doing part-time job has become very commonly-seen among university student. It has caused a heated discussion among us. Is doing part-time job a good thing or a bad thing? In my ...
解析 advantage:you can earn more money and you may have more work experience to enrich yourself.disadvantage:every day you are busy,and you will feel very tired.sometimes you do not have enough time do deal with your personal affairs or enjoy any entertainment....
What do you think are the advantage and disadvantage of taking part time job? 答案 In my opinion,i think how to arrange is the most important key.the advantage for the part-time are following:1.You can learn thing in different area 2.You can make more money!3.You can meet some intere...
Moreover, another disadvantage is that you might be deceived by the advertisement of part-time ...