一项新的研究表明,太阳周期的结束与太平洋从厄尔尼诺(El Nino)现象向拉尼娜(La Nina)现象的转变存在相关性,这表明太阳活动的变化可以驱动地球上的季节性气候变化。 如果《地球与空间科学》(Earth and Space Science)上所概述的联系成立,厄尔...
AGU Advancing Earth and Space Science是一个非营利的国际科学组织,旨在为全球地球和空间科学领域的科学家提供支持。该组织在全球拥有6万多名会员,是一个涵盖了地球和空间科学内所有学科的科学家组织。根据第二段话,中国科学院大气物理研究所的郄秀书研究员被美国地球物理联合会(AGU Advancing Earth and...
Earth observations from space (EOS), taken by advanced instruments on current and planned satellite missions will increasingly provide large volumes of data related to Earth System State. We describe some key benefits from these Earth observations. Many of the benefits described are in the ...
Advancing landscape sustainability science (LSS) is fundamental for guiding and navigating human development within safe and just Earth system boundaries. As a place-based and use-inspired science, LSS aims to understand and improve the sustainability of regional landscapes for both nature and people....
Artificial Intelligence (AI) assumes a pivotal role in Earth science, leveraging deep learning’s predictive capabilities. Despite its prevalence, the impact of AI on scientific discovery remains uncertain. In Earth sciences, the emphasis extends beyond
The past two thousand years is a key interval for climate science. This period encompasses both the era of human-induced global warming and a much longer interval when changes in Earth’s climate were governed principally by natural drivers and unforced variability. Since 2009, the Past Gl...
Few studies particularly in the tropics assess the multiple ecosystem services, economic value, and effect of land use change on economic value. This paper provides evidence of the quantitative. economic value and effect of land use change on the economic value of watershed ESs from Barekese and...
(2018). Development of interlocking masonry bricks and its’ structural behaviour: A review paper. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/140/1/012127 Article Google Scholar Ali, M., Briet, R., & Chouw, N. (2013). Dynamic response of ...
Stephenson, J. & Ram, H. XVI.—The prostate glands of the earthworms of the Family Megascolecidæ.Earth Environ. Sci. Trans. R Soc. Edinb.52, 435–453 (1919). ArticleMATHGoogle Scholar Rangarajan, A. & Weinberg, R. A. Comparative biology of mouse versus human cells: modelling human...
Collaborations and Partnerships in Informatics 1: Trusted International and National Communities Advancing Open Earth and Space Science Informatics Infrastructures II PostersWyborn, Lesley