Advances in Preventive Medicine: Nutrition and Immune Function in the Elderly In the not too distant future, the age demographics of western societies will change dramatically. By the year 2020, 22% of the population of these nations will be approxi-mately age 55 and 14% of this population ...
© 2000 Springer Science+Business Media New York About this chapter Cite this chapter Meydani, S.N. (2000). Advances in Preventive Medicine: Nutrition and Immune Function in the Elderly. In: Goldstein, A.L. (eds) Frontiers in Biomedicine. Springer, Boston, MA.
THIS volume of the series describes ‘recent advances’ which are so modern that many of them might more aptly be said to constitute new departments of preventive medicine. The space allotted to each subject is so small that only a very condensed account can be given, but this is done witho...
Book titles in this series All Around Suboptimal Health Advanced Approaches by Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine for Healthy Populations Editors: Wei Wang Copyright: 2024 Available Renditions Hard cover Soft cover eBook Predictive, Preventive, and Personalised Medicine: From Bench to Bedside...
大类:Medicine 小类:Psychiatry and Mental Health Q3 291 / 567 48% citescoresCiteScore 数据趋势图2011年2012年2013年2014年2015年2016年2017年2018年2019年2020年2021年2022年2023年01234 历年影响因子和期刊自引率 影响因子期刊自引率影响因子期刊自引率2015年2016年2017年2018年2019年2020年2021年2022年2023...
All articles accepted and published in Advances in Preventive Medicine are fully Open Access: immediately freely available to read, download and share. Submissions will be subject to an APC if accepted and published in the journal: $820 USD Automatic APC waivers or discounts will be given to ...
通过对期刊影响因子的精确计算和细致划分,JCR分区能够清晰地反映出不同期刊在同一学科领域内的相对位置,从而帮助科研人员准确识别出高质量的学术期刊。CiteScore 指数(2024年最新版) CiteScore SJR SNIP CiteScore 指数 3.2 0.415 0.524 学科类别 分区 排名 百分位 大类:Medicine 小类:Psychiatry and Mental Health Q3...
Nanotheranostics is the field of achieving personalized precision medicine in tumor diagnosis and treatment. This review introduces the timeline of important advances in nanotheranostics and analyzes the literature in this field, including the number of published papers, research institutions, supporting funds...
最新的颗粒物沉降对光伏发电影响的综述表明(Younis and Alhorr, 2021; Dehghan et al., 2022),相对湿度、降水量、风速、积尘组分等参数是其关键影响因子,可由数值模式或再分析资料获得。因此,可将这些模型作为核心,发展与数值模式或再分析资料耦合的光伏资源评估模块。 综上所述,光伏资源评估应分为两步:第一步...
Consumer health technology is attracting a lot of supporters on the business and medical ends of the spectrum because some of the more recent advances in this area are making it possible for people to be more proactive about their own health and initiate preventive measures. Awareness is a major...