通过对比ADVANCES IN ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY小类一区、属于SCI吗影响因子分值、sitescore值、审稿周期、投稿录用率等指标,以图表的形式直观展现ADVANCES IN ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY小类一区、属于SCI吗各个指标的对比趋势图,让您一目了然的看到各个期刊的优缺点,快速锁定目标期刊进行投稿,节省投稿周期!
通过分析ADVANCES IN ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY的IF值、Sitescore值、年度发文量、审稿周期、投稿录用率等指标,综合判断ADVANCES IN ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY这本刊物的学术权威性及其投稿难度,以帮助你快速了解ADVANCES IN ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY即时影响、审稿3个多月了,从而达到快速
通过对比ADVANCES IN ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY什么意思、在中科院分区属于几区影响因子分值、sitescore值、审稿周期、投稿录用率等指标,以图表的形式直观展现ADVANCES IN ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY什么意思、在中科院分区属于几区各个指标的对比趋势图,让您一目了然的看到各个期刊的优缺点,快速锁定目标期刊进行投稿,节省投稿周期!
Molecular Pathology: Another Year of Innovation Ahmad N. Abou Tayoun November 2024 Review articleAbstract only Toward Accessible Reproductive Genetic Carrier Screening: Considerations for Implementation at Scale Erin Tutty, ... Martin B. Delatycki ...
影响因子(2023)5.037 Advances in Anatomic Pathology provides targeted coverage of the key developments in anatomic and surgical pathology. It covers subjects ranging from basic morphology to the most advanced molecular biology techniques. The journal selects and efficiently communicates the most important ...
ADVANCES IN ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY ISSN:1072-4109 E-ISSN:1533-4031 分区:中科院3区;JCR:Q1 影响因子:3.746 检索类型:Article 检索情况:SCI检索 语种:英语 审稿周期:约3个月左右 出版商:Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 中科院《国际期刊预警名单(试行)》名单( 2021年1月发布版):不在预警名单中 收录数据库...
影响因子:5.1 年发文量:43 解剖病理学进展SCIE Advances In Anatomic Pathology ISSN:1072-4109 E-ISSN:1533-4031 是否OA:未开放 出版地区:UNITED STATES 创刊时间:1994 是否预警:否 出版周期:Bimonthly 语言:English 研究方向:医学 - 病理学 《解剖病理学进展》(Advances In Anatomic Pathology)是一本以医学-病理...
This issue of Advances in Molecular Pathology will provide a comprehensive review of the most current practices, trends, and developments in the field of Molecular Pathology. Publishing on an annual basis, the volume will be divided into 7 sections: Genetics, Hematopathology, Infectious Disease, Phar...
Advances in Molecular Pathologyis an annual review publication that covers the current practices and latest developments in the field of Molecular Pathology. Each issue is divided into sections for comprehensive coverage of all subspecialty areas within molecular pathology, including, Genetics, Hematopatholog...
该刊最新影响因子为1.1,最新CiteScore 指数为2.3。 英文介绍 Advances In Virology杂志英文介绍 Advances in Virology is an internationally peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the field of virology, covering various aspects of virology including molecular genetics, epidemiology, immunology, pathology, treatment, ...