开个天坑,121页的论文,联邦学习综述Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning。 我还是得摒弃之前的阅读笔记模式,之前写篇阅读笔记太费时费力wwwwww,我会加油改进提炼要点的能力的(立志成为科研高手…
Federated learning is a machine learning setting where multiple entities (clients) collaborate in solving a machine learning problem, under the coordination of a central server or service provider. Each client’s raw data is stored locally and not exchanged or transferred; instead, focused updates in...
3.1 联邦学习中的非独立同分布数据Non-IID Data in Federated Learning 首先,让我们深入探讨非独立同分布(Non-IID,Non Independent and identically distributed)是如何产生的,即其具体发生的场景,并根据不同的情境进行分类。这有助于在每一类场景下设计相应的应对策略。 联邦学习是分布式的场景,数据自然地被划分到不...
Advances and Open Problems in Federated LearningPeter Kairouz 7∗ H. Brendan McMahan 7∗ Brendan Avent 21 Aurélien Bellet 9Mehdi Bennis 19 Arjun Nitin Bhagoji 13 Keith Bonawitz 7 Zachary Charles 7Graham Cormode 23 Rachel Cummings 6 Rafael G.L. D’Oliveira 14Salim El Rouayheb 14 David ...
论文翻译 | Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning 1,人工智能领域发展越发迅速,但是人工智能安全问题、数据孤岛问题也日益严重
内容提示: Advances and Open Problems in Federated LearningPeter Kairouz 7∗ H. Brendan McMahan 7∗ Brendan Avent 21 Aurélien Bellet 9Mehdi Bennis 19 Arjun Nitin Bhagoji 13 Keith Bonawitz 7 Zachary Charles 7Graham Cormode 23 Rachel Cummings 6 Rafael G.L. D’Oliveira 14Salim El Rouayheb...
【联邦学习】综述《Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning》论文结构 该文章由来自麻省理工、斯坦福、加州大学、南阳理工、谷歌等25所国际知名高校(机构)的58位学者联合发表,文章源于2019年6月17日至18日在谷歌西雅图举办的联邦学习学习和分析研讨会,共105页,调研了438篇文献,讲解了最新的联邦学习进展,并...
联邦学习(FL)是一种机器学习设置,在这种设置中,许多客户(例如移动设备或整个组织)在中央服务 器(例如服务提供商)的协调下协作地训练模型,同时保持训练数据分散。FL体现了集中数据收集和最 小化的原则,可以减轻由于传统的、集中的机器学习和数据科学方法所带来的许多系统隐私风险和成 本。在FL研究爆炸性增长的推动下...
1.1 The Cross-Device Federated Learning Setting 1.1.1 The Lifecycle of a Model in Federated Learning 1.1.2 A Typical Federated Training Process 1.2 Federated Learning Research 1.3 Organization 2 Relaxing the Core FL Assumptions: Applications to Emerging Settings and Scenarios ...
AdvancesandOpenProblemsinFederatedLearning PeterKairouz 7∗ H.BrendanMcMahan 7∗ BrendanAvent 21 Aur´elienBellet 9 MehdiBennis 19 ArjunNitinBhagoji 13 KeithBonawitz 7 ZacharyCharles 7 GrahamCormode 23 RachelCummings 6 RafaelG.L.D’Oliveira ...