Financial assistance has been received from the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India under the project titled “Development of Microcellular & Nanocellular 3D Printing Process to Manufacturing Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Foamed Products”. Grant order: DST/TDT/AMT/2017/092...
The fabrication of porous structures by additive manufacturing (AM) technologies has been broadly explored over the past few years. Based on the application, most of the research work in AM is focused on making high-density parts with porosity values ranging from 0.1 to 5%. Because of numerous...
SHENZHEN’S efforts in accelerating the growth of the service sector are conducive to encouraging the in-depth integration of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries and developing new quality productive forces, thus givin...
The implementation of single-use bioprocessing manufacturing is based on many factors, including reduced capital investment and increased productivity.
“This was more than a professional development event. This was an opportunity to provide both speakers and attendees a platform to share and discuss insights about the changes impacting their day-to-day as it relates to technological adv...
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 热度: Advancements in pervious concrete technology 热度: 相关推荐 Volume7•Issue2•1000155 IntJAdvTechnol ISSN:0976-4860IJOAT,anopenaccessjournal Getahun,IntJAdvTechnol2016,7:2 http://dx.doi/10.4172/0976-4860.1000155 OpenAccessResearchArticle...
“For the first time in decades, we are seeing higher spending in both the IT and manufacturing industries—a parallel upcycle," says Katy Huberty, head of research for the Technology Hardware industry. That's good news for information technology, where annual investments are poised to nearly ...
SHENZHEN is intensifying efforts to become a global leader in advanced manufacturing. Throughout 2023, the city’s industrial added value for enterprises at and above a designated scale surged to 4.8 trillion yuan (US$670.4 bil...
AdvancementsinCivilEngineering&Technology Impact Factor : COSMOS: 4.982, ISI: 1.383 (2023-24) ISSN : 2639-0574 DOI : Language of Publication : English Nature : Online Journal Menu ACET Home Classification Editorial Board ...
Additive manufacturing (AM), a quickly changing field, is reshaping industries by producing novel and customized materials quickly and efficiently. AM devi