Applies ToAdvanced Threat Analytics 1.X はじめに この記事では、Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA) バージョン1.9 に含まれる機能強化について説明します。 ATA v 1.9 の改善 検出機能の改善 ドメインコントローラーでの不審なサービスの作成を検出します。 全...
Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics Centerサービスを停止します。 重要 次の手順に進む前に、ATA センター サービスが停止していることを確認します。 MongoDBサービスを停止します。 デフォルトで配置されている Mongo 構成ファイル C:\Program Files\Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics\Center\Mongo...
適用於:Advanced Threat Analytics 1.9 版 ATA 提供下列進階攻擊階段的偵測:偵察、認證入侵、橫向移動、許可權提升、網域支配等等。 這些偵測的目標是在進階攻擊和內部威脅對您的組織造成損害之前,先加以偵測。 每個階段的偵測都會產生數個與問題階段相關的可疑活動,其中每個可疑活動會與不同類別的可能攻擊相互關聯。 AT...
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics\Gateway 新增名為 且值為InstallationPath的新C:\Program Files\Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics\GatewayString 值。 這是預設安裝資料夾。 如果您變更了安裝資料夾,請輸入安裝 ATA 的路徑。
本文說明如何使用 Advanced Threat Analytics 的基本概念。檢閱攻擊時間軸上的可疑活動登入ATA 控制台之後,系統會自動帶您前往開啟的 可疑啟用時程表。 可疑活動會依時間順序列出,最新的可疑活動位於時間軸頂端。每個可疑活動都有下列資訊:涉及的實體,包括使用者、計算機、伺服器、域控制器和資源。 可疑活動的時間和...
Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics A simple, fast security solution that helps you focus on what's important. Changing nature of cyber-security attacks Today, the topic of cyber-security has moved from IT and the datacenter to the highest levels of the boardroom. Attacks and threats have grown...
Acest articol descrie îmbunătățirile care sunt incluse în Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA), versiunea 1,9. Îmbunătățiri în ATA v 1.9 Îmbunătățiri ale detectării Adaugă detectarea creării de servicii suspecte în controlerele de...
This management pack includes monitors and rules to effectively monitor Advanced Threat Analytics 1.7 on its performance, availability, and reliability of its roles.
Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics leverages deep packet inspection technology, as well as information from additional data sources (SIEM and AD) to build an Organizational Security Graph and detect advanced attacks in near real time. The ATA system continuously goes through four steps to ensure ...
George Michalitsianos, Senior Director of IT Security and Infrastructure at Ansell, states “We valued Advanced Threat Analytics for the ability to recognize and even help proactively stop an attack, and now that we have the same capability in Azure ATP, we’re in an even better position. We...