Language Focus: A review of the passive voice in contrast to the active voice Grammar Worksheet: active-passive-voice-worksheet.docx (scroll down to study the exercises online) Jump to: Intermediate Exercises, Advanced Exercises Note: For a detailed explanation of why we use the passive voice, ...
After the above-given lesson on subjectives and past forms, now it’s time to take up some exercises to find out if you are ready to use these concepts in IELTS Writing andIELTS Speakinglike a pro! Q 1. Study the following extracts. Two of them use appropriate language but four of th...
* Includes up to 3 nouns, indirect objects, reversible sentences, & passives 2) BUILD a sentence by focusing on each word & how they all fit together. Arrange the words one-by-one to match the pictured sentence you hear. Start with 3 words and work up to 9. ...
It should be noted that the majority of the responses were positive. It + a passive reporting verb describes impersonal or general feelings. It also allows us to report someone’s words without mentioning the speaker/s. We use a verb clause after the verb, not a noun phrase : It was sai...
Ten application features related to passive and interactive features were recognized through the thematic analysis of intervention detail. The passive features include health and lifestyle information; activity tracking; weight and bio-measure tracking; diet tracking, and reminders and prompts. The ...
Apply, analyze, build, install, commission, and troubleshoot a variety of mechanical, electrical, and electronic control systems, logic and digital circuits, passive AC and DC circuits, and active circuits. Install and troubleshoot basic computer hardware and programming to support the electromechanical...
exercisesonidiomsanddependentprepositions. AtthebackoftheWorkbooktherearethreeappendices whichcontainreferencelistsofmulti-word dependentprepositions,andlinking JohnandLizSoars UNIT1 NOUNPHRASES 1Informationbeforeandafteranoun 2Compoundnouns AVOIDINGREPETITION ...
Explore "Advanced English Grammar in Use with Answers" to enhance your grammar skills and boost your IELTS test performance. Find detailed explanations and practice exercises designed to improve your proficiency.
acknowledging the struggles of the illness, including the inevitability of their mortality [3,6]. Nevertheless, there is a distinction to be made between disease acceptance and resignation, or fatalism, which refers to when a person remains hopeless and passive about their situation [7]. Thus, ...