Three-dimensional printing was performed using a Setup (Nanofactory, Femtika Ltd.) [24]. It incorporates a light source C-Fiber 780 High Power (Menlo Systems GmbH) operating at 100 fs pulse duration, 100 MHz repetition rate and 780 nm wavelength. The laser passes a 60 × 1....
jena bioscience | Immutopics | Isohelix | immunostar | ImmunoTools | indoor biotechnologies | Incell Corporation | Focus biomolecules | ChemieTek | Cobo Scientific | BDG synthesis | biomosaics | bioscreen | biolife solutions | antagen | Atlanta Biologicals(R&D Systems) | seven hills bioreagents | ...
Several companies have been commercializing medical grade products based on BC (e.g., Membracel® by Vuelopharma, Epi Nouvelle+® naturelle by JeNaCell GmbH) and CNFs derived from tunicates (e.g., Ocean TuniCell®) and wood pulp (e.g., UPM Biomedicals). Most of these products are...
referred to as the push-pulse, temporally applied between the pump pulse and the probe pulse. The technique enables the optical manipulation of changes in excited-state carrier populations. Pollock et al. used PPPS to examine the kinetics of electron trapping in the MAPbI3perovskite system...
The volume conductor model was constructed based on a whole-head finite element model80 using the SimBio toolbox ( implemented in FieldTrip. To solve the inverse problem of describing the source activity, we made use of exact low-resolution brain ...
The lipid envelope of INV contains soybean phosphatidyl (Phospholipid GmbH, Cologne, Germany), 10% ethanol, and 1% of a terpene mix (d-limonene, citral, 1,8-cineole). Both conjugates were added to roots, and a laser (λ = 652 nm; 0.25 W, 100 J cm−2) was applied for 452 s. ...
In 1904, August Köhler constructed an ultraviolet (UV) illumination microscope at Zeiss Optical Works in Jena, Germany, in which he used a cadmium arc lamp as a light source. However, it was Oskar Heimstädt who developed the first working fluorescence microscope in 1911, with which he ...
The individual elements are mounted on a flexible rail and carrier system (X95, Newport Spectra-Physics GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany). A computer is controlling the measurement and carrying out the image analysis (Figure 5). 3.2.1. Excitation Fluorescence is excited by pulses of a xenon flash lamp...