Discover how the virtual twin establishes safe, replicable and cost-effective SMR designs to expedite the development of next-generation reactors. Get the strategy What Are the Benefits of Advanced Nuclear Reactors? Compared to traditional nuclear infrastructure, advanced nuclear reactors such as SMRs a...
International conference on mathematics, computational methods & reactor physicsF. Puente Espel, M. Avramova, K. Ivanov, "High Accuracy Modeling For Advanced Nuclear Reactor Core Designs Using Monte Carlo Based Coupled Calculations", Proceedings of M&C 2009, Saratoga Springs, New York, May 3- 7,...
Passive safety systems are being considered in advanced reactor designs to provide inherent stability for the nuclear reactor and passive shutdown and to provide guaranteed removal of decay heat. The overall objective of this paper is to review the safety implications of this design trend and to ...
Nuclear Criticality Safety Analysis With the higher-assay requirements of many advanced reactor fuel designs, nuclear criticality analysis beyond that conducted for current commercial fuels will be essential to developing, fabricating, and transporting fuels that will pass regulatory scrutiny and lead to ...
For decades, Sandia National Laboratories has supported the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in its role of regulating and licensing nuclear reactors. With many advanced nuclear reactor designs being developed for potential licensing, this support is as important as ever, said Sandia geosciences engineer Kyle...
As part of ARC benefits of Research and Development (R&D) for Advanced Reactor Concepts, nuclear fissionable energy will continue to provide clean, affordable, and secure energy while supporting the administration’s greenhouse gas reduction goals by introducing advanced designs into new energy and ind...
The magazine cited the certification process for NuScale’s VOYGR—which is the only advanced reactor design to receive certification from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. It took seven years to complete and cost NuScale $500 million. The original application alone...
“Because of how robust these new designs are, you don’t need to rely on anything outside the nuclear island to shut the plant down,” said Stover. “If something happens in the turbine island, that doesn’t have an impact on the nuclear part of the plant. Our work...
These have been succeeded by a range of third-generation reactor designs, a few of which have been built or are under construction. These reactors attempt to provide lower construction costs, greater efficiency, and use passive safety features to provide the highest level of security possible. A...
NextGenerationAdvancedNuclearPowerPlantDesigns BobWoehl EPRI,NuclearPowerSector April5,2004 PresentationOverview EvolutionofNuclearEnergySystems GenerationIII+ WestinghouseAP-1000 GeneralElectricESBWR AECLACR-700 GenerationIV Very-High-TemperatureReactor Gas-CooledFastReactor ...