点击该页面左上角Author,再点正上方Manuscript(s) at the Publisher,出现了两个manuscript,分别是Adv...
Consideration 状态不更新吗,还是编辑给遗漏了?投稿过相关期刊的大侠们分享下经验吧。
Advanced Materials Science Research mostly focuses on the Good Advanced Materials Science Research, Advanced metallic materials, Nanocatalysis, Functionally graded materials ,Nanocrystalline substance, magnetism and magnetic materials, Inorganic non-metallic materials, Composite materials, Fluids and liquid crystals...
You will be pleased to know that your manuscript has been provisionally accepted for publication in Advanced Optical Materials pending satisfactory revisio... You will be pleased to know that your manuscript has been provisionally accepted for publication in Advanced Optical Materials pending satisfactory...
Advanced Functional Materials最新影响因子是19.924,创刊于2001年,国际标准刊号:1616-301X(印刷版)。1616-3028(在线),由出版社Wiley-VCH Verlag出版发行,是顶级材料科学期刊,每周都报道材料科学各个方面的突破性研究,包括纳米技术、化学、物理学和生物学。
Supporting professionals across the healthcare ecosystem with leading technology to provide the best evidence-based patient care. See All Health Solutions Health Overview UpToDate The UpToDate suite offers clinical, drug, patient and member content to support health professionals wherever care takes place....
AFM(advanced functional materials)时complete manuscript中包括哪些内容 各位大侠,想请问一下投稿AFM(advanced functional materials)时complete manuscript中包括哪些内容啊?SI和TOC都要在一个word里面吗?还是SI可以单独上传!我在Check PDF时只看到了了正文,单独上传的SI没有看到,这正常吗?十分感谢!
在把manuscript production data上传之后 编辑来信说图片的分辨率比较低 要我重新上传图片 the individual ...
请教一下楼主, 我在AFM投稿时,“第二步Selecting the Manuscript File”这一项中File type和File name...
我按要求把Manuscript的WORD和figure的WORD文档直接一起压缩了上传,可是老回我 Unfortunately your ...