除了研究领域的细分外,Advanced Materials Research分区还给出了每个子分区下的期刊影响因子(Impact Factor),以及各期刊的排名。这些指标可以反映一个期刊的影响力和研究质量。研究者可以根据这些指标来选择合适的期刊发表自己的研究成果,也可以用来评估其他研究者的成果。 总体而言,Advanced Materials Research分区为材料科学...
Journal impact factor : 2.85 Average acceptance to publication time (5-7 days) Average article processing time (30 - 45 days)Less than 5 volumes 30 days 8 - 9 volumes 40 days 10 and more volumes 45 days Advanced Materials Science Research journal is an open access, peer reviewed scholarly...
2. Impact Factor: The impact factor of a journal reflects its influence in the scientific community. As of 2021, the impact factor of AMT is 5.207, which is considered relatively high in the materials science field. This suggests that research published in AMT tends to be cited frequently, ...
Read carefully selected, top-quality Reviews, Progress Reports, Communications, and Research News at the cutting edge of the chemistry and physics of functional materials. Advanced Materials has an Impact Factor of 25.809 (2018 Journal Impact Factor, Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2019...
Advanced Functional Materials is the leading full-paper materials science journal, with a 2008 ISI Impact Factor of 6.808. Advanced Functional Materials publishes full papers of original research and feature articles reviewing cutting-edge work from leaders in the field. All aspects of materials science...
Read carefully selected, top-quality Reviews, Progress Reports, Communications, and Research News at the cutting edge of the chemistry and physics of functional materials. Advanced Materials topped its previous spectacular performance with a new Impact Factor of 21.95, an increase of 10% on the ...
Read carefully selected, top-quality Reviews, Progress Reports, Communications, and Research News at the cutting edge of the chemistry and physics of functional materials. Advanced Materials has an Impact Factor of 25.809 (2018 Journal Impact Factor, Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2019...
Impact of JCR Classification on Advanced Materials Research The JCR classification system plays a crucial role in advancing research in the field of advanced materials. It encourages scientists and researchers to publish their findings in high-impact factor journals, thereby increasing the visibility and...
Advanced Materials Technologies is the new home for all technology-related materials applications research, with particular focus on advanced device design, fabrication and integration, as well as new technologies based on novel materials. It bridges the gap between fundamental laboratory research and indu...