Cho, "Porous Semiconductors: Advanced Material for Gas Sensor Applications," Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 35, 1, 50, 2010.Korotcenkov G, Cho BK. Porous semiconductors: advanced material for gas sensor applications. Crit Rev Solid State Mater Sci. 2010; 35 (1):1–...
High-Performance Flexible Gas Sensor Using Natural Rubber/MXene Composite for Selective and Stable VOC Detection ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES 2024
materials (or system) include the following: (1) a sensor, which detects an input signal, and (2) an actuator, which performs a responsive and adaptive function. Actuators may be called upon to change shape, position, natural frequency, ormechanical characteristicsin response to changes in ...
Advanced Sensor Research将发表前沿的原创性研究文章、综述和观点,通过严格和公平的审稿过程挑选出来的,并按照最高标准发表,以根据我们现有的相关物质科学领域顶级期刊(Advanced Materials和Advanced Science) 的强大原则来筹办优质的开...
Advanced Materials Technologies致力于发表高质量的多学科研究成果,内容涵盖高性能器件、材料和制造技术的广泛应用,旨在改变世界,实现健康和可持续的未来。 2021年,期刊进入了其出版的第六个年头。尽管受到COVID-19大流行病的持续不利影响,Advanced Materials Technol...
2. Polymeric nanohybrids for gas sensors Previously, metal oxide based semiconductors have been used to sense gases but they need higher operating temperatures. Since 1980's, polymers are used as active-layer of gas sensor (Miasik et al., 1986). Composite of polymeric materials with metal oxide...
- 《Advanced Materials》 被引量: 480发表: 1999年 Nanonose: Electrochemically Functionalized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Gas Sensor Array We demonstrate a facile fabrication method to make chemical gas sensors using single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) electrochemically functionalized with p... M ...
The emphasis on reduced-scale detection techniques requires the use of new materials and methods. These techniques offer appealing perspectives given by spin crossover organic, inorganic, and composite materials that could be unique for sensor fabrication. The influence of the length, composition, and...
编辑部:Advanced Sensor and Energy Materials编辑部 地址:吉林省长春市人民大街5625号中国科学院长春应用化学研究所 邮编:130022 官方微信公众号:先进传感器与能源材料ASEM 邮箱(20220830更新|公号信息) 网址: ...