http://www.manuscriptxpress.com/osm/jsp/loginHP2.jsp用你投稿时使用的账号登录进去,在“Authors”里选择“Manuscripts at the publisher”,即可看到你的投稿的状态,一般均为"submitted",除非编辑已对稿件有裁定意见。
Submitmanuscript Advanced Materials Science Research accepts the submission of all articles related to the Advanced Materials Science Researches including all other allied fields. Submission can be made based on the interest of individual but it should come under the scope of Advanced Materials Science ...
You will be pleased to know that your manuscript has been provisionally accepted for publication in Advanced Optical Materials pending satisfactory revisio... You will be pleased to know that your manuscript has been provisionally accepted for publication in Advanced Optical Materials pending satisfactory...
Advanced Functional Materials最新影响因子是19.924,创刊于2001年,国际标准刊号:1616-301X(印刷版)。1616-3028(在线),由出版社Wiley-VCH Verlag出版发行,是顶级材料科学期刊,每周都报道材料科学各个方面的突破性研究,包括纳米技术、化学、物理学和生物学。
Health Innovative solutions for better health outcomes Supporting professionals across the healthcare ecosystem with leading technology to provide the best evidence-based patient care. See All Health Solutions Health Overview UpToDate The UpToDate suite offers clinical, drug, patient and member content to ...
it further for publication in Advanced Functional Materials as we believe that your manuscript would...
manuscript 可能是你在线投稿的时候,已经在线sign了,人只是发一个附件给你备份留底吧。good luck ...
一个多月了还是最初的状态Under Consideration 状态不更新吗,还是编辑给遗漏了?投稿过相关期刊的大侠们...