资源描述: An Introduction to the Study of Macroeconomics at an Advanced Level The fourth edition of Romer s Advanced Macroeconomics presents the major theories concerning the central questions of macroeconomics In areas ranging from economic growth and short run fuctuations to the natural rate of une...
David Romer, Advanced Macroeconomics, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2012.The following articles are for general discussions: Woodford Michael,"Revolution and Evolution in Twentieth-Century Macroeconomics," 1999. Blanchard Olivier, "What Do We Know about Macroeconomics that Fisher and Wicksell did not?"...
LeFrançaisParétapes6th AMGOV2009.2009 AmGov20102010 AmGov20112011 AmericaFirsthand8thed. AmericaNowShortReadingsFromRecent Periodicals 6th AmericaNowShortReadingsFromRecent Periodicals 7thed. AmericanHeritageDictionary,TheFourthEdition4th AmericanWaysAnIntroductionToAmericanCulture3rded. AmericasTheChangingFaceOf...
Koo, R . 2009: The holy grail of macroeconomics. Wiley: New York. Google Scholar Krugman, P . 2010: Getting trendy. 23 July. Lee, J and Wong, K . 2003: Overinvestment and the financial crisis: The case of Korea. Unpublished manuscript, University of Washington, July. Leonhardt, D ....