1、初级 Essential grammar in use 3th(红色那本) PDF 2、中级 English grammar in use 4th(蓝色那本)PDF+补充练习册+MP3 【独家】(MP3是从光盘里面直接复制出来的,音频比较零碎) 3、高级 Advanced grammar in use 3th(绿色那本)PDF 需要全部3本请拍【全套】选项,其余单本请拍对应的单本即可 ...
图书 > 童书 > AR/VR > Advanced Grammar in Use 4th edition (Martin Hewings) 唐人万卷文化专营店 Advanced Grammar in Use 4th ed... 京东价 ¥ 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持
Things are never too easy when you are trying to learn a new language. English can be particularly tough as you would have to get yourself familiarized with tons of grammatical rules. Rather than discouraging you, I will talk about a special trick that would help you understand English in a...
It's not perfect. But, it's the best available tool. Maybe I should rewritemy forum post on the app. Heck, maybe even create an PDF guiding basic/intermediate Chinese learners on how to use it. carlo Members 679 Chinese:1st gen immigrant Location:元宇宙...
Label and Publication Date Pre-General Availability: 2020-01-15 Pre-General Availability Draft Documentation Notice If this document is in public or private pre-General Availability status: This documentation is in pre-General Availability status and is intended for demonstration and preliminary use ...
Longman English Dictionary - the leading dictionary for learners of English of all levels: definitions, idioms, examples and more.
1、初级 Essential grammar in use 3th(红色那本) PDF 2、中级 English grammar in use 4th(蓝色那本)PDF+补充练习册+MP3 【很少家】(MP3是从光盘里面直接复制出来的,音频比较零碎) 3、品质高 Advanced grammar in use 3th(绿色那本)PDF 需要全部3本请拍【全套】选项,其余单本请拍对应的单本即可 2、...