Advanced Energy Materials(AEM)是一个以先进能源材料为研究重点的国际学术期刊。它致力于发布高质量、创新性的原创研究论文和综述文章,涵盖了能源材料的合成、改性、性能测试和应用研究等领域。作为材料科学和工程领域的一本重要期刊,AEM的影响因子是衡量其学术影响力和引用水平的重要指标。 影响因子(Impact Factor)是指...
YearImpact Factor (IF)Total ArticlesTotal Cites 2023 (2024 update)24.4846131887 202227.8-122806 202129.698-116667 202029.36883293801 201925.24558167558 201824.88481850724 201721.87554034218 201616.72138822073 201515.23037915724 201416.14631210129 201314.3852145433 201210.0431691995 ...
advanced energy materials影响因子 Advanced energy materials is a type of highly interdisciplinary science which involves the study of the development and application of various alternative and renewable energy sources. The major impact factor of advanced energy materials is how it can reduce our ...
学科:MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYSCIEQ110 / 438 97.83% 学科:PHYSICS, APPLIEDSCIEQ15 / 179 97.49% 学科:PHYSICS, CONDENSED MATTERSCIEQ13 / 79 96.84% 名词解释: 汤森路透每年出版一本《期刊引用报告》(Journal Citation Reports,简称JCR)。JCR对86000多种SCI期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数加以统计...
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)), Advanced Energy Materials is a prime source for the best energy-related research. This Impact Factor confirms in numbers what was already clear from the content: that AEnM has joined Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, and Small as a top-quality ...
advanced energy materials的影响因子-回复 什么是期刊的影响因子? 影响因子(Impact Factor)是衡量期刊影响力的指标之一。它由Thomas Reuters公司的Journal Citation Reports(JCR)所发布,每年一次。影响因子是指特定期刊在过去两年内被引用的次数与该期刊所发表的论文总数之比。换句话说,影响因子是衡量特定期刊在学术界的...
This Impact Factor confirms in numbers what was already clear from the content: that AEnM has joined Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, and Small as a top-quality journal. Advanced Energy Materials covers all topics in energy-related research: organic and inorganic photovoltaics ...
先进能源材料(Advanced Energy Materials)成立于2011年,是一个国际性的、跨学科的、英语语言的论坛,在所有形式的能源收集、转化和储存中使用的材料,都有经过同行评审的原创贡献。2017年的影响因子为21.875,先进能源材料是最佳能源相关研究的主要来源。这个影响因素在数量上证实了从内容上已经很清楚的一点:AEnM已经加入了...
作为AM系列“三巨头”之二的Advanced Energy Materials和Advanced Functional Materials,在近五年来逐渐发展成为能源材料领域数一数二的国际刊物,在研究领域具有一定的影响地位。但这两本期刊的2022 IF发展却不容乐观,分别表现出了-6.39%和-4.64%的跌幅。尤其是在去年拿下29.698的Advanced Energy Materials,原本按照过去几...
Advanced Energy Materials Established in 2011, Advanced Energy Materials is an international, interdisciplinary, English-language forum of original peer-reviewed contributions on materials used in all forms of energy harvesting, conversion and storage. Advanced Energy Materials covers all topics in energy-...