A new button has been added to the corner of ACT which will take a screenshot of ACT's main window for the clipboard or to save as a PNG. This is mostly useful for pasting/posting into other applications(Discord, forums). Miscellaneous ...
I have started a Discord server for discussions regarding this plugin. All are welcome to join, but keep in mind this is for the purpose of developing and improving the plugin, and so may be moderated if discussions go wild.https://discord.gg/9tHJ7s2P3r ...
I have started a Discord server for discussions regarding this plugin. All are welcome to join, but keep in mind this is for the purpose of developing and improving the plugin, and so may be moderated if discussions go wild.https://discord.gg/ahFKcmx ...
Please report these errors as GitHub issues or in the #bug-reports channel on the Discord. When viewing the changelog, you will be able to determine which changes are available on the staging site because they will be prefixed with "!" in the changelog for the latest development version. ...
discord:Hojoring Forum mail: anoyetta(at)gmail.com twitter:@anoyetta まで。 基本的に issues からお願いします。issues の課題から優先的に対応します。 どうしても直接連絡したい場合はなるべく discord を使用してください。 無償で提供しています。
Triggernometry is a plugin for Advanced Combat Tracker, intended to extend its built-in trigger system with a variety of different actions and configuration options. - paissaheavyindustries/Triggernometry
https://discord.gg/9tHJ7s2P3rInstallation Instructions:Download & install ACT. If you have an existing ACT installation, please remove any other plugins, to ensure there are not any conflicts to start with. ACT can be downloaded here: http://advancedcombattracker.com/download.php Launch the ...
React + Redux overlay for the OverlayPlugin and ACTWebSocket plugins for Advanced Combat Tracker for use with Final Fantasy XIV. - ShadyWhite/ffxiv-ember-overlay