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In Proceedings of the IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Florence, Italy, 23–26 October 2016; IEEE: Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2016; pp. 2714–2718. [Google Scholar] Maciejowski, J.M.; PRedictive Control: With Constraints. Pearson Education. 2002. ...
RAGE expression on the cell surface is thus improved by an auto-amplification loop where the activation of the receptor leads to increased expression, allowing for further activation [1,13,29]. Its expression can increase due to a rise in extracellular AGEs, but also as a consequence of non-...
Advanced maternal age (≥35 years) is associated with pregnancy complications. Aging impairs vascular reactivity and increases vascular stiffness. We hypothesized that uterine artery adaptations to pregnancy are impaired with advanced age. Uterine arteri
Mucoadhesion has been demonstrated to be a tangible strategy for designing oral delivery systems with advantages over other existing systems such as increa