Inventor; NewSouth Innovations Pty Ltd, University of New South Wales, assignee. A substrate. Australian patent pending AU2014/000813. (2014 August 15). Knothe Tate, M. Inventor; University of New South Wales, assignee. Engineered materials and methods of viewing. US patent pending PCT/IB2016...
Simultaneously, two-photon excitation microscopy can be used to image autofluorescent elastin, through reflected fluorescence24,25. Here, we first validate our combined SHIM-TPEM protocol on periosteum from sheep specimens prepared using standard protocols for undecalcified histology. Transverse sections ...
Inventor; NewSouth Innovations Pty Ltd, University of New South Wales, assignee. A substrate. Australian patent pending AU2014/000813. (2014 August 15). Knothe Tate, M. Inventor; University of New South Wales, assignee. Engineered materials and methods of viewing. US patent pending PCT/I...