Advanced Accelerator Applications是一家放射性药物研发商,公司开发了一种用于肿瘤适应症的治疗配对管道,主要产品包括正电子发射断层扫描和单光子发射计算机断层扫描的分子核诊断放射性药物等,集中应用于临床肿瘤学、心脏病学、神经病学和感染性、炎症性疾病的诊断领域。近日,西门子医疗宣布,已完成对诺华旗下Advanced ...
By accessing and browsing this Site, you accept, without limitation or qualification, these Terms and Conditions and acknowledge that any other agreements regarding the use of this Site between you and Advanced Accelerator Applications SA are superseded and of no force or effect. 2. Use of ...
JXHB2300175 镥(177Lu)vipivotide tetraxetan注射液 化药2.4 补充申请 2023-11-30 Advanced Accelerator Applications USA, Inc., A Novartis Company;Advanced Accelerator Applications (Italy) S.R.L.;Advanced Accelerator Applications Ibérica, S.L.U. 补充申请 查看 查看 JXHL2300250 镥(177Lu)vipivotide te...
Advanced Accelerator Applications (AAA) Program is to establish a national nuclear technology research capability that can demonstrate accelerator-based transmutation of waste and conduct transmutation research while at the same time providing a capability for the production of tritium if required. The AAA...
JXHB2300175 镥(177Lu)vipivotide tetraxetan注射液 化药2.4 补充申请 2023-11-30 Advanced Accelerator Applications USA, Inc., A Novartis Company;Advanced Accelerator Applications (Italy) S.R.L.;Advanced Accelerator Applications Ibérica, S.L.U. 补充申请 查看 查看 JXHL2300250...
诺华在2017年以39亿美元收购 Advanced Accelerator Applications(AAA),获得了Lutathera;在2018年以21亿美元收购 Endocyte ,获得了Pluvicto。Lutathera在2018年获批上市,2023年销售额超6亿美元,2024年上半年以两位数增速增长至3.44亿美元;Pluvicto在2022年上市,2023
At Advanced Accelerator Applications, we are reimagining nuclear medicine and cancer care. Our mission is to transform patients’ lives by developing and delivering targeted radioligand therapies and precision diagnostic solutions for oncology.
Advanced Accelerator Applications Project University Programs of the U.S. Advanced Accelerator Applications ProjectThe Advanced Accelerator Applications (AAA) Program was initiated in fiscal year 2001 (FY01) by the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and ... DE Beller - 《...
Advanced Accelerator Applications SA ADR(AAAP)股吧,股民朋友可以在这里畅所欲言,分析讨论股票名的最新动态。东方财富股吧,专业的股票论坛社区。
At Advanced Accelerator Applications, we are reimagining nuclear medicine and cancer care. Our mission is to transform patients’ lives by developing and delivering targeted radioligand therapies and precision diagnostic solutions for oncology.