Education Diploma 1 Undergraduate qualification 4 Postgraduate qualification 4 Prefer not to say 1 Employment Employed 3 Unemployed 2 Long term sickness 3 Prefer not to say 2 Benefits Receives benefits 6 Does not receive benefits 2 Prefer not to say 2 Diagnosis Bipolar 1 5 Bipolar 2 3 Cyclothymi...
What is the opportunity for a person with a diploma in CFP in India? Can the person opt as a freelance financial planner? Which employer is better in Pune, India - Barclays or Deutsche bank, for technology roles? I have an MB...
The year has been a record-breaking year in several ways. This year, CBDT recorded the highest ever APA signings in any financial year since the launch of the APA programme, signing a total of 95 APAs. This year, CBDT also signed the maximum number of BAPAs in any financial year till...
Adjusted longitudinal logistic models estimated associations between higher versus lower SES ("low SES": less than high school diploma/GED and annual household income <$25 000) and race (White vs. Black/African American [AA]) and e-cigarette/cigarette relative risk perceptions, behavioral ...