Advance Care Planning Frequently Asked Questions Helpful Resources Your Advance Care Planning Team National Healthcare Decisions Day Community & Support My Community My Support How To Help a Cancer Patient Helpful Resources We’ve assembled several resources for more information about advance care...
Advance Care Planning 预立医疗自主计划; 预定临终照顾计划; 计画;[例句]This patient population needs an improved approach to symptom assessment and control, as well as advance care planning and high-quality palliative care.这些病人需要更改良的症狀评估和控制,预立...
Advance Care PlanningAlzheimer's SocietyRoyal College of NursingRoyal College of PsychiatristsHelp the Aged
Advance care planning is a process that helps you: Think about your health care values and goals; Consider health care choices you may have to make in the future; Talk about your choices with your doctor and your loved ones; and Make a written plan for the future (advance directive) ...
Advance Care Planning(ACP),即预立医疗照护计划,是一个支持成年人理解和分享个人价值观,明确未来医疗护理目标和偏好,并与家属和医护人员进行讨论及记录的过程。以下是对ACP的详细解析: 一、概念与定义 ACP旨在帮助任何年龄或健康阶段的成年人,通过一系列讨论和决策,明确自己在未来可...
Training and education for healthcare professionals on ACP, the dementia disease trajectory, treatment options and communications skills were found to be facilitators when initiating conversations about ACP with people with dementia and their carers. Theme 6 ‘lack of resources supporting ACP’ captures ...
Cake's experienced a 100% increase in views of our advance directive forms since last year and a 400% increase in visitors to our advance care planning resources from February to July. And we've found that advance care planning isn't just on older people's minds—a third of Cake's visi...
1.Learners will identify one best practice for advance care planning among persons with dementia. 2.Learners will contrast experiences of advance care planning by level of cognitive impairment. By studying actual ACP conversations among persons with dementia, we demonstrated that older adults with cogni...
Advance care planning ACP is a process that supports adults at any age or stage of health in understanding and sharing their personal values, life goals, and preferences regarding future medical care. The goal of ACP is to help ensure that people receive medical care that is consistent with th...
Health Care Planning Start Planning for the Future Learn More FOR CLINICIANS Learn how Iris can help your patients create comprehensive care plans and you focus on delivering quality care LEARN MORE FOR INDIVIDUALS & FAMILIES Learn more about t