Advance Care Planning(ACP),即预立医疗照护计划,是一个支持成年人理解和分享个人价值观,明确未来医疗护理目标和偏好,并与家属和医护人员进行讨论及记录的过程。以下是对ACP的详细解析: 一、概念与定义 ACP旨在帮助任何年龄或健康阶段的成年人,通过一系列讨论和决策,明确自己在未来可...
Understanding advance care planning as a process of health behavior change. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2009; 57 :1547–1555. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-5415.2009.02396.x. [ Cross Ref ]Fried T, Bullock K, Iannone L, O’Leary J. Understanding advance care planning as a process of health behavior change...
Implementing advance care planning: a qualitative study of community nurses' views and experiences Background Advance care planning (ACP) is a process of discussion about goals of care and a means of setting on record preferences for care of patients who... K Sheila,A Kathryn,S Jane - 《Bmc...
Advance care planning ACP is a process that supports adults at any age or stage of health in understanding and sharing their personal values, life goals, and preferences regarding future medical care. The goal of ACP is to help ensure that people receive medical care that is consistent with th...
Advance Care Planning 预立医疗自主计划; 预定临终照顾计划; 计画;[例句]This patient population needs an improved approach to symptom assessment and control, as well as advance care planning and high-quality palliative care.这些病人需要更改良的症狀评估和控制,预立...
That way you get the care you choose even when you can't tell us yourself. What You Need to Decide & Do: The Advance Care Planning Process Advance care planning involves: Choosing a healthcare decision-maker or agent Deciding the level and type of care you want Filling out 1 or 2 ...
Young 1. Introduction: (25 to 50 words) Advanced care planning is critical element in the therapeutic alliance between healthcare team and patient in providing adequate patient-centered care, with the patient a more willing collaborator. This process provides patient, family, and caregiver with ...
美国NCT数据库提供标题为Mobile Health Application (PACT) to Improve Engagement in Advance Care Planning的临床试验登记信息,包括基本信息,试验详情,试验设计,试验分组,治疗终点,招募标准,联系人与地点等.
美国医保(Medicare)2016年开始为预立医疗自主计划(advance care planning)买单。 医生在办公室或在医院内与患者讨论ACP,内容包括宁养照护项目(hospice)、生前预嘱(living wills)和不复苏(do-not-resuscitate ),可以得到86美元的支付。 ACP纳入医保,在医疗决策中体现患者意愿优先,提高患者生命终末期质量,减少无效医疗...