Pro Stock: François Adam Brian Campbell raced to his second consecutive NASCAR Advance Auto Parts Weekly Series track champion at Michigan’s Berlin Raceway this year. (Photo: Eric Bronson/NASCAR) Berlin Raceway Super Late Model: Brian Campbell Limited Late Model: Billy Eppink Sportsman: Ryan Ho...
Showing a limited preview of this publication: Headquarters Moved to Memphis—On the Road toMemphis—Escaping Jackson—Complaints andRequests—Halleck Appointed Commander-in-Chief—Return to Corinth—Movements of Bragg—Surrenderof Clarksville—The Advance upon Chattanooga—Sheridan Colonel of a Michigan Re...
Michigan microwave canopy scattering model. Int. J. Remote Sens 1990, 11, 1223–1253. [212] Imhoff, M.L. A theoretical analysis of the effect of forest structure on synthetic aperture radar backscatter and the remote sensing of biomass. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens 1995, 33, 341–352....