Carers of adults with mental illness: a comparison with respite care users and non-users. Aust Psychol. 2010;45:50–8. : 10.1080/13284200903353064 .Jardim, C. & Pakenham (2010). Carers of adults with mental illness: Comparison of respite care users and non-users. Australian Psychologist. 45...
Each year up to 200,000 Canadians are homeless. The prevalence of mental illness among homeless individuals is much higher than the rest of the population, with more than 12 per cent suffering from severe mental illness, 11 per cent having mood disorders and close to 40 per cent reporting al...
Most people do not understand there is a high number of young adults suffering from a mental illness. In the United States, 1 of 5 young adults will live with a mental illness (“Teens and Young Adults”) and approximately half will develop their mental illness between 14-24 years of age...
We used a mixed-methods convergent parallel design to explore the effect of yoga on quality-of-life, trauma, and anxiety in low-income adults with mental illness. Participants included a convenience sample (N = 18) of parents at a community mental health agency who participated in a six-...
to promote mental health is a universal ambition. Our chapter is written with adults with mental illness in need of mental health nursing in mind. To understand the present and make suggestions for the future, knowledge of the past is needed. We elaborate on historical trends of nursing, nursi...
The aim of this study was to investigate the rate, type and duration of respite care use in carers of an adult with mental illness, and the differences between respite care users and non-users on demographic, caregiving context and adjustment variables. A total of 106 carers completed a posta...
Among Medicaid enrollees age 18 to 64, those with serious mental illness were less than half as likely to have worked part or full time (at least 20 hours) in the past week as those without any health conditions—and would therefore be unlikely to meet work requirements. Medicaid enrollees ...
Stigma toward adults with serious mental illness involves labeling, stereotyping, separation, status loss and discrimination. Stigma has been linked to lowered self-esteem, social isolation and withdrawal, and lowered quality of life. As providers of treatment and services, it is fundamental that ...
The life expectancy of adults with mental illness is significantly less than that of the general population. This is largely due to poor physical health. Physical activity is consistently recommended for the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases and also has mental health benefits. Th...
"The findings suggest that among ethnically diverse homeless adults with mental illness in a large urban centre in Canada, perceived discrimination in health care settings in common," Dr. Stergiopoulos said. She said the most common complaint was a lack of respectful treatment by various practition...