Conclusion: According to the results obtained we can meet the general objective; To analyze the relationship between cognitive impairment and the level of adaptation in the self-concept mode in the population of Hidalgo, Mexico.Reyes Preciado, Daneli...
Homewatch CareGivers lidera en una de las industrias de mayor crecimiento, por más de 3 décadas. Conozca el soporte que la franquicia brinda para lograr el éxito. Más Información → Trabaje con Nosotros Buscamos a los mejores cuidadores, sea parte de nuestra familia ¡Contáctenos! Nuestr...
mejor salud en la vida adulta, el número de mujeres que mostraron independencia en este estudio tuvieron una mejor relación familiar; coincidiendo con investigaciones realizadas en San Luis Potosí, Mexico18 que mencionan que hay mayor dependencia en los hombres con un buen apoyo de su ...
The objective of the research was to determine the number of older adults presenting fragility syndrome and the most determining factor in a rural population of the State of Puebla, Mexico. A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional, prospective study was conducted. The sample ...
El estado de salud del adulto mayor en América Latina, estado de salud, envejecimiento, endogeneidad, Artículothis work analyses the state of health of people older than 60 in five latin-american countries (argentina, brazil, chile, mexico and uruguay) by making use of the health, well...
Rodriguez-Medina, R.M. y Landeros-Perez, M.E. (2014). Sobrecarga del agente de cuidado dependiente y su relacion con la dependencia funcional del adulto mayor. Revista Enfermeria Universitaria-Mexico, 11 (3), 87-93. Disponible en: ...
The study was carried out in the period from December 2021 to March 2022.In the 3 communities of Hidalgo, Mexico. Results: In the variable Cognitive impairment, the level that predominates in the three communities is the normal level with 64.2% (f=249, ...
Therefore, a documentary analysis of some State policies and social programs of bodily practices that have been implemented in different Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico) was carried out. An andragogic approach that recognizes the sit...
In Mexico, resources, infrastructure and programs for its attention are few and deficient. Associated factors to a better functional and life prognosis had been described in heterogeneous ways. The main objective of this work is to determine the associated factors to a better functional...