Pertussis, or whooping cough, is arespiratory infectionthat can lead to severe breathing problems, especially in infants. Pertussis first appears like an ordinary cold, but then causes intense coughing spells. A "whoop" noise is heard when you try to take a breath after coughing. Tdap vs DTaP...
Whooping CoughDiagnosis, DifferentialPertussis VaccineAdolescentAdultAgedVomitingMiddle AgedPertussis is often overlooked as a cause of chronic cough, especially in adolescents and adults. Several symptoms are classically thought to be suggestive of pertussis, but the diagnostic value of each of them is ...
1 Additionally, adolescent and young adult patients often face social and financial challenges, which might result in inequities in access to appropriate care, timely diagnosis, and treatment.1, 3, 8 Although adolescents and young adults have not seen the same improvements in cancer survival as ...
The Tdap vaccine is recommended for all adults, and is particularly important for those who have regular contact with infants under the age of 1 due to their vulnerability to pertussis (whooping cough). Women are advised to get the Tdap vaccine during each pregnancy, with the best results ocur...
Question: What has overtaken tuberculosis as the disease that causes the most adult deaths worldwide? A) Malaria B) Measles C) Syphilis D) AIDS. Infectious diseases: Infectious diseases are medical conditions and illnesses that are easily transmitt...
Adult VPDs examined were: (1) influenza, (2) pneumococcal disease (both invasive disease and pneu- monia), (3) herpes zoster (shingles), and (4) pertussis (whooping cough). Sensitivity analyses simulated the impact of various epidemiological scenarios on the total estimated economic burden. ...
do amazing work and can make important impacts in their communities. We want to make sure that we're paying attention to not just the big players, but to everybody who wants to improve health because prevention is better than treatment is really what it boils down to,” revealed Frie...
Prolonged exposure included if a pt received ventilator care, nebulizer treatments, multi-dose inhaler (MDI) treatment or MDI instruction. Exposed pt's Physicians were notified by fax & mail. Follow-up phone calls were made to the physician offices the day after faxes were sent. An E-Mail ...