Adult Wednesday Addams- The Reality Star [S2, Ep 5] A reality star challenges Wednesday to a fight.
Adult Wednesday Addams: Driver's Ed [S2, Ep 2] Wednesday gets behind the wheel.
#我的翻译##双语字幕#melissahunter发表于20131030#亚当斯家庭##Addams Family##成年温斯蒂#第6集,Wednesday前往妇科诊所,遇上反对堕胎的狂热宗教分子,看她如何淡定讲述婴儿焚化场的位置以及各种魔鬼(撒旦)附身的例子。本集的结局也是争议最大的一点。20141108修改错别字重新上传腾讯:
#我的翻译##双语字幕#melissahunter发表于20131016#亚当斯家庭##Addams Family##成年温斯蒂#第4集,Wednesday遛狗被时尚潮女奚落,还不小心踩到别人家的狗便便,这下大事不妙,看她教导对方如何养狗和驯狗,不听劝就召来了便便警察?遇上Wednesday真是走了狗屎运啊……纠错:Uber指的其实是打的软件,应该说我叫的的士...
"Wednesday" The Addams Familyreruns you watched as a kid pale in comparison to this witty Tim Burton remake. The series stars Jenna Ortega as the brilliant and totally dark title character. Shipped off to Nevermore, a boarding school for outcasts, Wednesday finds herself in the middle of a...