To understand the relationship between our bacterial microbiome and health, it is essential to define the microbiome in the absence of disease. The digestive tract includes diverse habitats and hosts the human body's greatest bacterial density. We descri
aComputer systems are made up of electrical components that are either on, or off, representing 1’s and 0’s, also called binary numbers. All data, such as numbers, are converted into binary representations in the computer system. The Extended ASCII chart below shows characters and their bin...
An individual who had a stroke is copying a picture of a clock. The drawing appears as a lopsided circle with a flat side on the left. The numbers one through eight are written in numerical order around the right side of the clock. The hands are correctly drawn on the clock to represe...
Gastrointestinal (GI) health was assessed using a GI symptom visual analogue scale. Changes in stool type were captured by the Bristol stool chart [25]. A physical exam (height, weight, blood pressure) was completed at the study visits. Sleep quality was measured using the Pittsburgh Sleep Qua...
In my interviews with parents of people with learning difficulties in the past ten years, there was a question which weighed on parents’ minds: “What will happen to my child when I’m not around to insist that they ...
Bar chart showing the changes in the epithelial thickness across different components of the buccal cavity of C. idella and in between the fingerling, yearling, and adult stages. UL, upper lip; UJ, upper jaw; OV-ls, labial surface of oral valve; OV-ps, palatal surface of oral valve; P...
Figure 1.Flow chart of participant recruitment. PMD: patients with movement disorders. 2.2. Survey Design The authors (dentist geriatrician, neuroscientists) created a structured questionnaire consisting of 42 questions, which contained both closed and open-ended questions. The questionnaire was designed...
However, the gingival papillae receded following orthodontic treatment, especially in the lower anterior tooth area in patients treated with premolar extraction [19]. On the basis of previous studies, it can be concluded that both teeth proclination and retroclination in patients with a thin ...