Our meetings follow the ASCA (Adult Survivors of Child Abuse) format (www.ascasupport.org). To quote the Survivor to Thriver manual: 'The purpose of ASCA meetings is to allow survivors to share their abuse and recovery experiences, to receive support and
Adult survivors of childhood abuse and neglect are often times undetected and not considered as obvious targets for prevention and intervention programs. For this reason, this pilot program was named Interventional Strategies for Imperceptible Survivors of Childhood Maltreatment (ISISMA) to recap their ...
Child Molestation or childhood sexual abuse is defined as the act of a person who forces, coerces or threatens a child to have any form of sexual contact .
The All-Party Parliamentary Group Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse works to highlight survivors needs across the country and in Parliament.
Counseling Adult Survivors of Childhood Institutional Abuse: A phenomenological exploration of therapists' perceptions and experiences in Ireland / Beratung erwachsener 脺berlebender von Misshandlungen in Institutionen w盲hrend der Kindheit: Eine ph盲nomenologische Untersuchung der Wahrnehmungen und Erfahr...
Effectiveness of support groups for adult women survivors of childhood sexual abuse: Comparison of church-based and community-based groupsDavidson, Carla Marie
A comparison of group treatment of women sexually abused as children J Consult Clin Psychol (1989) D Allender Kränkt som barn, sårad för livet? (The wounded heart) (1993) S.R Apolinsky et al. Symbolic confrontation with women survivors of childhood sexual victimization J Spec Group ...
According to the current literature on adult survivors of incest, under-reporting of cases has contributed to a lack of understanding regarding the psychodynamics of the incest victim. In this regard, Stern's Theory of Affect leads to the implication that anger responses would be an important ...
In this article, the authors describe a psychoeducational group model for adult survivors of childhood abuse and neglect. The model is specifically designed to assist group members to receive support and validation, to identify the effects of abuse on present functioning, and to learn new life skil...
To document the adult adjustment of survivors of childhood institutional abuse. Two hundred and forty-seven adult survivors of institutional abuse with a mean age of 60 were interviewed with a protocol that included the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, modules from the Structured Clinical Interview for ...