So as a really small child (around 5 or 6) I remember having to go to therapy for some kind of speech impediment I had, but apparently I was tested for … Noise sensitivity in adults with TS I'm a 51-yr-old female with Tourette's Syndrome. All my life I have had extremely acute...
For example, I am the opposite of a “thinking in pictures” kind of thinker (which is a common stereotype). Initially I thought this “disqualified” me from being on the spectrum but in talking to other autistic people I found that some think in pictures but others think in words, numb...
This month I went to my first voice therapy appointment with a speech and language pathologist. He doesn’t have experience with CP, but based on my history of trying all the things and nothing having a lasting effect, he doesn’t think there’s anything he can do. Voice therapy isn’t...
i only suck my thumb when I'm on the laptop, .watching t.v or trying to sleep. A girl on here said the thumb she sucks is double jointed, well the one i suck isn't but the one i don't is? I thought i was the only one sucking her thumb over the age of 8. so happy I'...
For example, if my mom knows that I've been having a bad day or something, she will send me funny pictures via text message or say something encouraging. Or if something big happens—like, "Oh hey, we're going back home [to their home state], are you able to make it?" Or, for...
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“hate speech” if directed against an ethnic or religious minority. “Like the bestial man and the necrophiliac,” he says, “the paedophile cannot surrender himself to the full challenge of another perspective, but must confine his attentions to that which he can also control” (Scruton1986,...