Our Speech-Language Pathologists often start with a 15-minute free trial session to meet your therapist and see what therapy would look like. Followed by a comprehensive assessment of your speech, language, fluency, social, and professional communication skills. Contact Us...
I'm a Speech and Language Therapist - in adult LD work (which is not at all where I thought I would end up - I initially wanted to go into Pediatrics). I love it - retrained and started last year in a very large community and predominantly MH trust and we've got a fantastic team...
Spontaneously synced speech I have this ability to lip sync and say what others are saying at the same time they are saying it, what does this mean? How do I reduce the mental burnout? so, let me give a bit of a rundown..Im 25, male and all that. a few years ago i finally ca...
The verse some- times has a formal rhyme scheme, and sometimes just reflects the rhythms of natural speech, arranged in breath groups. There was a blossoming of this form in the late nineties and the first five years of the current century, but now they seem to have receded somewhat. A...
Through a person-centered approach in expressive art therapy, the therapist’s role – being empathic, open, honest, congruent, and caring – can be emphasized. Expressive art therapy is not used to analyze or solve a problem, nor is it about (striving for) perfection; it is a path to ...
And emotion that it’s taken this long for that vision of the world to come to me. Then there were some clips of various speeches. Tony Estanguet, a French Olympic canoeist and the president of the organizing committee for Paris 2024, said in his speech, “When the sport starts, we ...
My therapist diagnosed me as having high-functioning Asperger’s / ASD at age 61 — now about a year ago. At first I was very happy as it helped me make sense of many things in my life, especially my childhood and being behind most kids socially by 5 to 10 years despite being ahead...
Over time, each of my children has drawn close to me for healing, and pulled away for the same reason. I am, after all, the one they hold responsible for the shifting emotional sand in their psyche. Ten years ago, I remarried a man whose children were also grown. We imagined that wo...
Find Your Tribe….and maybe a Therapist… 7 Reply Dawn Reply to LoriAnn 1 year ago Thank you LoriAnn <3 2 Reply susan Reply to Carol 1 year ago Carol I’m going through the exact same thing you are. I have grandchildren I don’t even know which is very very sad for me...
Sonia Belasco has spent much of her professional life working with teenagers as a mentor, tutor and therapist, and her writing is often inspired by the amazing stories they tell her. She will watch almost any TV show about high school and has seen every contemporary movie that involves dance...