This suggests that the sexually dimorphic prevalence of externalizing (aggressive, antagonistic behavior) and internalizing (anxiety, depression, social deficits) symptoms in ADHD may be due to abnormalities in differing neural regions (Biondo et al., 2021). These findings raise the question about the...
So now he is borrowing money from me, until he thinks he can get Social Security Disability, which I haven't seen anything come in the mail from them for about a year, he also says he called one of those lawyers that advertise on TV that will help you with your claim but I ...
The other child pretends to tolerate me, ignores me – remains cut off and removed from me, most of the time. I was never a perfect parent, suffered with depression & anxiety related to PTSD. And I also knew enough to be as transparent as possible with them, admitted I didn’t ...
A few heartfelt arguments,with daughter being nasty to me, and my eldest son. He said she’s selfish and ungrateful. She now want’s to move, but can’t find a place, i’m in bits.Crying anxiety panic nausea ect.Really do not want her to leave, feel angry also,as i have no ...
These cKO mice were normal in general health, working memory, depression-like behavior, sensorimotor gating, fear, and anxiety (Supplementary Figs S5 and S6), but differed from wild-type control mice in the following tests. In Crawley’s social interaction test, a subject mouse was placed for...
A control group of rats from the same group of litters was given an equivalent volume of pyrogen-free saline at P14 only. Additional saline groups were not included as we have previously shown that neonatally saline-treated animals are identical to untreated animals in their adult responses to ...
“anxiety” by light/dark place preference showed no differences between groups. The number of entries into the lighted side of the chamber (Fig.3a) and the percent time spent within this chamber (Fig.3b) showed no differences across groups in exploratory activity into the lighted side or ...
In group: Lower anxiety [38] Modelling clay Enhancement of own cognitive capacities [61]Together with a near-one: Enhancement of own cognitive capacities [49]Social inclusion [56]Together with a near-one: Social inclusion [49)Together with a near-one: Quality of life [49] Singing In group...
The behavioural variations induced by thermal treatment were investigated using five different tests, the novel tank diving, light and dark preference, social preference, mirror biting, and Y-Maze tests, which are standard paradigms specifically tailored for zebrafish to assess their anxiety-like ...
These groups, more than the medium- and high-exposure groups, connected readily to scenes associated with conservation and environmental education, e.g., “Riverbank clean-up”, “Nature conservancy”, and “Outdoor classroom.” Previous research demonstrated that concern for nature and social ...