The Adult Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner contains complete prewritten session and patient presentation descriptions for each behavioral problem in The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition. The prewritten progress notes can be easily and quickly adapted to fit a particular ...
” W.W. Norton, 2010; “Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation,” Random House, 2010 “Mindfulness has been shown to be effective in healing insecure attachment. The purpose of both psychotherapy and mindfulness practice is to provide this internalized secure...
The Adult Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner, 2nd EditionArthur E. Jongsma, JrDavid J. Berghuis
The support services for dementia rehabilitation, psychotherapy, counselling, psychological treatment, and social work intervention is essential for the elderly to cope with personal and emotional assistance in the community setting [7]. Moreover, the Asian elderly preferred to live in a community ...
1, Diogo G. Monteiro 1, Ahmad Salti 2, Alex Hofer 1and Rana El Rawas 1,* 1 Division of Psychiatry I, Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Medical Psychology, Medical University Innsbruck, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charité University Medicine, 10117 Berlin, Germany 5 Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapy, Institute of Pharmacy, Martin Luther University, 06120 Halle, Germany 6 Institute of Translational Biomedicine, St. Petersburg State University, 199034 St. ...
Versions Notes Abstract Background/Objectives: The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the global prevalence of sleep bruxism and awake bruxism in pediatric and adult populations. Methods: This systematic review was conducted by analyzing studies published from 2003 to 2023. The following...
The main form of psychological support that exists today for cancer survivors is psychotherapy-based counselling. However, positive effects would likely occur if institutions implemented a coaching approach that empowers cancer survivors, awakens their potential, and encourages them to set and achieve ...
Progress in the field of muscular dystrophy (MD) using a multidisciplinary approach based on international standards of care has led to a significant increase in the life expectancy of patients. The challenge of transitioning from pediatric to adult healthcare has been acknowledged for over a decade...
Versions Notes Abstract There is little information about the trend of the gender gap in chronic morbidities and whether the trend of expansion occurs equally in the age and gender groups. The objectives were to examine the consistency and stability of the gender gap in the main self-reported ch...