Banal R., Thappa J., Shah H., Hussain A., Chowhan A., Kaur H., Thappa S. (2010). Psychiatric Morbidity in Adult Kashmiri Migrants Living in A Migrant Camp At Jammu. Indian Journal of Psychiatry,Banal R, Thappa J, Shah HU, Hussain A, Chowhan A, Kaur H, et al. Psychiatric ...
Mental health and wellbeing in England: Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014. A survey carried out for NHS Digital by NatCen Social Research and the ... TRENDS IN MENTAL ILLNESS: • One adult in six had a common mental disorder (CMD): about one woman infive and one man in eight. ...
Health of national service veterans: an analysis of a community-based sample using data from the 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey of England. Purpose In the context of increasing concerns for the health of UK armed forces veterans, this study aims to compare the prevalence of current ...
This national survey of US adults presents findings on the prevalence, correlates, psychiatric comorbidity, functioning, and treatment of DSM-5 major
Patterns of lifetime female victimisation and psychotic experiences: a study based on the UK Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007. Shevlin M, O'Neill T, Houston JE et al (2013) Patterns of lifetime female victimisation and psychotic experiences: a study based on the UK Adult Psychiatric ...
2.2.2. Suicide history questions (adapted from the adult psychiatric morbidity survey (APMS; McManus et al., 2016). The APMS (McManus et al., 2016) is a general population survey used to collect data on the prevalence of treated and untreated mental health problems in adults. Two items fro...
Childhood adversities and adult psychiatric disorders in the national comorbidity survey replication I: associations with first onset of DSM-IV disorders. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2010;67(2):113-123. doi:10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2009.186 ArticlePubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 9. McLaughlin KA...
Using a cutoff score of 4 for the GHQ and 5 for the SRQ, probable psychiatric morbidity rates were 6.4 percent and 13.6 percent respectively for the two instruments. The authors' clinical impression in the course of the study was that the GHQ rate was closer to the reality of prevalence ...
HIV, seroposivity, adult, psychiatris morbidity and UPTHA significantly higher prevalence of current mental disorders has been found in both asymptomatic and symptomatic Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)seropositive persons compared with seronegative controls. On the other hand, psychiatric illnesses ...
This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of PIU and psychiatric co-morbidity among adult psychiatric patients. Three hundred thirty-three adult psychiatric patients were recruited over a 3-month period. Two hundred thirty-one of them completed the survey (response rate: 69.4%, 231/333; Male...