Luckily, he has over $1M in assets managed by a bank, so we are saving at least his last $1M." -- Gene M., Michigan Adult Protective Services Investigator A frail 92-year-old woman, living alone in a large home, hired a repairman to fix her roof. He brought coffee and donuts,...
Robert Silbergleit, MD,, University of Michigan, Emergency Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI For the ICECAP trial investigators (names in acknowledgments section) Name and contact information for the trial sponsor {5b} National Institute of Health: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Insti...
Nurse and care workers were aware of the protective effects of moisturizers on the skin barrier; however, the 25.5% knowledge difference between both groups regarding skin tears should be emphasized in future foot education programs. Considering the decreased elasticity, dryness, and fragility of older...
Certain risk and protective factors are likely to be implicated in pandemic-related mental health. COVID-19-related worry (e.g., maintaining employment, getting tested for coronavirus) may be linked to mental health symptoms. The early weeks of the pandemic saw rapid changes in daily routines,...
Endometrial cancer risk has been linked to tobacco smoking, a common source of VOC exposure, but, converse to our findings, some studies have attributed a protective association [47]. In human studies of breast cancer, the literature is mostly focused on occupational exposure to benzene and ...
CR is a protective factor that prevents or reduces cognitive impairment in response to a given brain insult. CR is known to correlate with lifestyle and cognitive factors, such as level of education, type of occupation, vocabulary, and frequency of reading, which are frequently referred to as ...