Sexual abuse of children is disturbingly frequent, making it critical to understand the behavior of sexual offenders against children. The etiology is not well understood, but likely involves biological, cognitive, and personality factors as well as offe
Supporting Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth: Protection Against Emotional Distress and Substance Use 2018, American Journal of Preventive Medicine Show abstract Toward an Integrated Model of Supportive Peer Relationships in Early Adolescence: A Systematic Review and Exploratory Meta-Analysis 2021, Frontier...
Protection and damage from acute and chronic stress: allostasis and allostatic overload and relevance to the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders. Ann NY Acad Sci 1032: 1–7. McEwen BS, Weiss JM, Schwartz LS (1968). Selective retention of corticosterone by limbic structures in rat brain. ...
The adult gingival cyst is an uncommon lesion, considered a representative of the soft tissue counterpart of the lateral periodontal cyst, being derived from the dental blade. The cyst has a striking predilection for the canine region and lower premolars. The aim of this study is to report a...
Schofield G, Dimadi A, Fossette S, Katselidis KA, Koutsoubas D, Lilley MK, Luckman A, Pantis JD, Karagouni AD, Hays GC (2013) Satellite tracking large numbers of individuals to infer population level dispersal and core areas for the protection of an endangered species. Divers Distrib 19...
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Similar switching has been seen in various heart disorders, and treatments that boost Prmt1 activity could confer robust protection against these all Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Materials and methods Results Discussion References Acknowledgements Author information Ethics ...
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Environmental Protection Agency FDR: False discovery rate Lm: Mean linear intercept PAH: Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon qRT-PCR: Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction SApUV: Surface area per unit volume SD: Standard deviation SEM:
United States Environmental Protection Agency. Appendix A to, 40. Fallahzadeh RA, Khosravi R, Dehdashti B, Ghahramani E, Omidi F, Adli A et al (2018) Spatial distribution variation and probabilistic risk assessment of exposure to chromium in ground water supplies; a case study in the east ...