A survey on the knowledge, beliefs and behaviour of a general adult population in Malaysia with respect to the adverse effects of medicines. Int J Pharm Pract. 2011; 19(4): 246-252.Jose, J. et al., 2011. A survey on the knowledge, beliefs and behaviour of a general adult population ...
The aim of this study was to adapt, translate and validate the Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Dentistry (MREALD-30) instrument for the Orang Asli population in Malaysia. After translation and cross-cultural adaptation, interviews were conducted with
Kuwait has been going through a rapid economic development over the past 50 years. These developments have impacted both the population demographics and the health indicators in the country. Hence, the profile of communicable and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) has changed significantly, with a shif...
Only about one-fourth of the population exercises at least once a week. For other forms of physical activity, such as cycling or gardening, there is no significant difference: about half of the population engages in some regular physical activity, one-fifth to one-sixth do so rarely, and ...
When asked if they played mobile games, 69.1 percent of Colombians surveyed reported to play via mobile. Of the countries studied, Mexico had the second highest percentage of adult mobile gamers, with 69 percent of participants engaging in this activity. In addition, the same survey revealed tha...
This review was crucial in confirming that the questions accurately reflected the study’s objectives and were phrased clearly for the target population. The questionnaire was then pilot tested on a small sample of five individuals to identify any issues related to clarity, comprehension, reliability,...
Nutrition surveys based on a representative sample of the Malaysian adult population have hitherto not been reported. In 2003, the Ministry of Health, Malaysia, conducted the Malaysian Adult Nutrition Survey (MANS), the first and largest... K Mirnalini,MS Zalilah,MY Safiah,... - 《Malaysian ...
Establishment of reference intervals of clinical chemistry analytes for the adult population in Saudi Arabia: a study conducted as a part of the IFCC global study on reference values. Clin Chem Lab Med 2016;54:843–55.10.1515/cclm-2015-0490Search in Google Scholar PubMed 2. Alqahatani M,...
although these may not all be actively host seeking. Non-attractant traps also sample the active proportion of the male population better than attractant traps. Adult mosquitoes probably spend a majority of their time resting in natural or man-made shelters, and are thus unavailable to be sampled...
"This significant reduction in the proportion of the adult population totally excluded from financial services vindicates the policies, strategies and reforms undertaken by the government as well as the widespread adoption of digital technology and innovations by financial sector players," the study says...